The UCMMT 2013 Committee is pleased to invite you to the 6th UK, Europe, China Millimeter Waves and Terahertz Technology Workshop, organized by Lancaster University with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Italy Section, that will be held in Rome, Italy on 9-11 September 2013.
The venue, the most important Roman art museum in the world, the Roman National Museum, will be the ideal environment to host a such outstanding event, summoning distinguished experts from China, Europe and United Kingdom.
UCMMT was formerly UK-China Millimeter Waves and Terahertz Technology Workshop created in 2007 to stimulate and strengthen the cultural exchange between UK and China. In 2012 the Workshop, held in Nanjing, was extended to the mainland Europe, stating the importance of even closer collaboration for the progress of science and technology. UCMMT is held alternatively one year in China and one year in Europe.
UCMMT is a unique forum, where lead scientists from China, Europe and United Kingdom share their knowledge in the field of millimeter waves and THz sources, devices, systems and applications.
A special issue of the International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology will be dedicated to extended versions of papers from UCMMT2013.
We look forward to meeting you all at UCMMT 2013, in Rome.
The Committees